Category Archives: Local Art

Greensboro Local Gifts-414 State Street

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Come and stop by……….


You will find locally made gifts and surely one of a kind. During your walk through the garden and boutique, one may think of Asheville, NC or Charleston, South Carolina (what I am told).

We have indoor antique water features, dried and preserved flower arrangements.

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Pottery, furniture, paintings which are perfect for holiday gifts.

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Hand painted bottles, birdhouses, chimes, antique dolls, vintage plates, jewelry and Alzheimer necklaces where all proceeds are delivered directly to the non-profit organization

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On the lavish lavender porch you will find wreaths, outdoor containers formal or whimsical.

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Unusual, earthy, frilly are ideal words to describe our conversation pieces. Nothing ever stays the same at Cornerstone. Thurs-Sat 11-3:30. Starting December 1st State Street will have a coffee shop again at 414 State Street


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